You know that it’s time to start planning for the annual ARRL Field Day when they get the new logo posted!
But first I should answer the question to some of my readers on what exactly Field Day is.
The fourth full weekend in June (22nd and 23rd in 2024) the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) organizes an event for amateur radio operators where the whole purpose is to get on the air and contact as many others as possible. Field Day is also a large publicity event for amateur radio clubs to set up in public locations and invite visitors and even unlicensed folks to come check it out and get on the air.
As of this week, the ARRL has updated their official Field Day website and have posted the 2024 Field Day Rules page. They’ve also launched their 2024 Field Day Site Locator page where individuals and clubs will be positing public locations so that they can be visited during the event.
If you aren’t a licensed amateur or licensed but inactive, I definitely suggest marking this on your calendar and plan on finding a local club that is hosting a public Field Day event.
I typically will go to a dispersed forest area and camp for the weekend, however this year I’m planning on joining up with a club since I find it more fun participating with a group. Keep following along as we get closer to Field Day and thank you for all of your support!